Faculty at UB

Prof. Chunming Qiao (PI)
Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Prof. Adel Sadek (Co-PI)
Department of Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering

Prof. Qing He (Co-PI)
Department of Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering

Prof. Sean Wu (Co-PI)
Department of Industrial & System Engineering

Dr. Kevin Hulme (Co-PI)
Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Prof. Dimitrios Koutsonikolas (Co-I)
Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Prof. Luke Ziarek (Co-I)
Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Joah Sapphire
Outreach Coordinator

Eleftheria(Ria), Iliadou
Strategic Initiative Coordinator
Carnegie Mellon University (CMU)

Raj Rajkumar
Westinghouse Chair Professor, Co-Director of GM-CMU CAV Lab., Founding director of UTC on Safety

David Maluf
PhD, Principle Engineer; (previously Division Chief, NASA and CTO of TigerMe); IoT and connected vehicles

Raghuram Sudhaakar
PhD, Technical Lead/Engineer; wireless networking, IoT and connected vehicles
Southwest Research Institute (SwRI)

Mike Brown
PMP, Staff Engineer; Cooperative Systems Section, Intelligent Systems Dept., Automation and Data Integration Division.; Connected and autonomous vehicles

Eric Thorn
Ph.D., R&D Manager; Connected and autonomous vehicles
Group Member
Yunfei Hou
Dmowski Roman
Xin Liu
Li Tang
Abhishek Gupta